vineri, aprilie 27, 2007

Technorati survey

Azi pe când verificam si eu, ca tot omul, mailu' pe ce-mi cade ochiu'.

Hello Technorati Member,
My name is Robert Arriaga and I'm the product manager for Syndication Services at

Oops, zic. Ce-am mai făcut? Nu-mi venea nimic în minte, aşa că trec mai departe.

In order to help refine our future product strategy, I would like to know your opinions about blogs and widgets by getting your answers to this survey.Thank you in advance for your survey participation and feedback

Ahaaa, adică. A ajuns Technorati la mâna mea. Yupii. Păi daca-i aşa, atunci să-i ajutăm ca e şi ei mici :)

1. Do you currently have any widgets on your blog?
2. Which widgets do you have on your blog currently?
3. What widgets have you had on your blog in the past but have removed and why?
4. What categories do the widgets on your blog fall into?
5. Where do you find out about new widgets?
6. How many widgets do you have on your blog?
7. Would you place a widget on your blog that displayed an ad?
8. What widgets do you wish you could have on your blog that aren't currently available?
9. Would you recommend Technorati widgets?

Adică simplu, părerea mea, Technorati are un gând despre un widget tare şi acu testează piaţa.
Oare despre ce o fi vorba?